Why the Flipped Funnel?

The best brands in the world (think Amazon, Netflix, Disney) are customer obsessed.

  • For them, it’s less about selling products…it’s ALL about wowing customers
  • They work vigorously to deliver a phenomenal experience

Healthcare? Not so much. It’s one of the least customer-friendly industries.

So why is healthcare marketing so behind the times?

  • It’s because they’re stuck in the traditional marketing funnel–delivering passive communications to raise awareness in hopes of gaining a customer. It is like playing the lottery
  • Traditional agencies focus on the traditional marketing funnel

The most innovative marketers…the ones who get it…are yearning for a more modern approach.

At 2nd Spark, we flip the funnel.

  • We help you identify your highest-potential customers and build bonds that result in lasting relationships
  • We make customers feel valued and turn them into advocates

This gives your marketing efforts the power of multiplicity.

When you create meaningful experiences and make your customers feel valued, they become more than loyal customers.

  • They want to participate and share their experience with others
  • This results in the creation of Brand Fans®

Find and foster this group…they will become your marketing superpower!